What if we could benefit from the new ways technology helps us? Part 2

Nicole and Cooper continue their conversation with Keren Etkin of Gerontechnologist.com, this time focusing on the international perspective of care.

“The way older adults are usually depicted in the media is, unfortunately, ageist and not truly representative of that demographic.”

In a post she wrote for  TheGerontechnologist.com, she makse the case that older adults have great interest in technology and trends. Often, there is a perception that this isn’t true.

The belief that older adults aren’t receptive to new tech has several origins.

First, the way older adults are usually depicted in the media is, unfortunately, ageist and not truly representative of that demographic.

Second, we have a tendency, as a society, to associate old age with frailty sickness and disability, when in fact many older adults still have a healthy and active lifestyle in their seventies and eighties.

Check out this episode on Libsyn

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