What if we focused more on home-based care? (Part 2)

Nicole and Cooper continue their conversation with Dr. David Fisher of Doctors Making House Calls.  All too often fear-based or liability driven decisions by providers and facilities do not lead to the best care for the patient.  The facility is worried about what if something really bad happens on their watch.  How can we find common ground?  If better communication can happen between family, facility, and physician we can avoid hospitalizations and unnecessary ER visits. We can focus on the plan of care and the wishes of the patient and their family.    If there was just as much repercussion for not following a patient’s wishes as there is  for not meeting a regulatory requirement we would be more patient focused on their plan of care.  Figuring on how to make the goals of care the #1 priority is where we need to go.  Look more at the “carrots” and less at the “sticks” inherent in the system.

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