Recent SPRX Talks: AHHC of NC 2020 Virtual Conference keynote presentation 10/28.2020. Virtual Caregivers Summit 10/22/2020.  SCHCHA: keynote presentation 12/8/2020.  Speaking engagements are currently being accepted.

What is SPRX Talk?

Today’s healthcare work is hard, and in some ways, getting much harder. By focusing on our service, pursuing our purpose, building our resilience, and relating it to the shared human experience, we can rekindle the spark that keeps us meaningfully engaged in our work.


As we face change, there is an inherent tendency to insulate ourselves.  Instead, should we lean in to the vulnerability that allows us hear, help, and heal our patients, even those we can’t cure, and embrace their families in the journey?


The SPRX Talk is designed to connect groups of professionals to the stories of patients and families in a way that informs leadership and reinfuses humanity in the way that we serve and live out our work.

Press play below  to see a preview of a past SPRX Talk:


If you are interested in finding out how to bring The SPRX Talk to an event, conference or organization, please contact us.

  • Presentation Topics

    • Incentivizing healing as much as treating
    • How to empower family caregivers with education
    • Looking at funding community-based care vs facility-based care
    • Curing fears
    • Creating passion for older adults: a social movement
    • Older adults are more than the sum of their diseases
    • How to disrupt aging
    • How to engage the “C” suite to remember why they do their work: Rediscovering passion.
    • Unplugging leadership for generative thought
    • Honoring our country’s cornerstone
    • How to create community as we age
    • What is successful aging?
    • A conscious journey in caregiving
    • Imagining colorblind healthcare delivery
    • Technology to close the healthcare access gap

Contact us for your next event!
