Mar 07 What if we eliminated resistance to granny flats?
We welcome Mary-Ann Baldwin to discuss the resistance by municipalities to granny flats and accessory dwellings. NIMBYisms are prevalent in cities and towns across the United States. We examine the most common objections and why local government should sit up and advocate for this type of living for our elders.
Mary-Ann Baldwin has a robust career in city government to include:
- Five-term at large Raleigh City Councilor
- Advocate for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Affordable Housing / Homelessness, and Transit
- Served as Chair of the City’s Law & Public Safety Committee and Transportation Committee
- Serve as City’s representatives to GoTriangle, the regional transit authority
- Former member of the Budget & Economic Development Committee, Public Works Committee, Comprehensive Planning Committee, Healthy Neighborhoods Committee, and Technology and Communications Committee
- Former representative to the Metro Mayor’s Coalition and liaison to the NC State Legislature
She was also a caregiver for her mother making issues facing adults very personal.
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