Feb 03 The Caregiving Story of Lisa Roberts

Executive Director, Eastern North Carolina Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association.
Nicole and Cooper sit down with Lisa Roberts, Executive Director of the the Alzheimer’s Association Eastern North Carolina Chapter, as she tells her story of the Alzheimer’s diagnosis that rocked her family and ultimately altered her career path. Until you are staring this disease in the face you have no idea what type of monster you are up against. A lack of knowledge can cause anger, resentment, confusion and in Lisa’s case fueled her desire to do more.
Lisa Roberts
Posted at 11:09h, 04 FebruaryThank you Nicole for leading this personal and difficult conversation about my personal connection to Alzheimer’s. You are awesome and I appreciate your encouragement to share my story. I hope it is helpful to others in the care, support and fight to #ENDALZ